Powerflush: San Francisco, Seattle And You

Powerflush: San Francisco, Seattle And You compilation cover

Release Notes:

Broken Rekids, CD, 1994

Band members:

Lance (guitar/vocals), Lydia (piano)


D.C. Beggars - Drunken Devil
Mudwimmin - The Liver
Alcohol Funnycar - Fist Fight With A Billygoat
Tastefreeway - Life-Like
Hell's Smells - The Devils In The Honky Tonk
Ford - The Edge Of The W
Captain Enema And The Rabid Cosmonauts - Happy Happy Joy Joy
Blond Nation - Dead Asleep
Christdriver - Drone
Naked Aggression - Out Of Control
Imij - Friday
Bedlam Rovers - Peace Train
7 Year Bitch - The Scratch
Ovarian Trolley - Senorita
Pencil Thieves - Young Lords
J Church - Birthday
North American Bison - Churchdom
Grope - Carrot
Officer Down - Smiling Parade
Mud Bath - Froggie Would A Wooing Go
The Gits - The Drinking Song

More info:

From Lance's original J Church website: "J Church goes 4-track. Yeah, we knew it was cool way before Guided By Voices and Eric's Trip were famous. Birthday features Lydia, who co-released the Mission Box Set with me, on piano. The first of three songs featuring her on piano. Distorted vocals and an out of tune piano cover up the hissy recording. It's dedicated to my sister, Lori, who's 12 years younger than me. I've missed her last nine birthdays."

This song was recorded in the apartment that Lydia shared with Jawbreaker / sometime J Church drummer Adam.